Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster
male deity
Deidad masculina
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male noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
macho (de animales o plantas), varón (de personas)

Ejemplos de uso de
male noun

  • She attended a school where there were more males than females.
  • The male of this species assists the female in feeding the young.
¿Sabías esto?
  • No confundir male with mail. Las dos palabras se pronuncian igual, pero se escriben de manera distinta y tienen significados completamente distintos.

Deity noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
deidad; dios, diosa

Ejemplos de uso de
Deity noun

  • to the ancient Greeks, Zeus was the deity who ruled over the sky and weather, and Poseidon was god of the sea
  • we prayed to the Deity for guidance

Sinónimos de
Deity noun